Storage Lot

A storage lot is available to residents of the Oakwoods Subdivision as a courtesy to assist residents in complying with Section 14 under Article V of our Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions. Under no circumstances are residents allowed to park prohibited items on their property if this storage lot is full. The resident is then required to make their own off-site storage arrangements.

Statement of Compliance

Items found in the storage lot which are not registered with the OHA Board will be towed, at the owners expense, by Brown's Wrecker Service Inc., without any advanced warning or notice.

There are plans for a self-service feature allowing association members to register their items online. When this becomes available the Board will send out a communication regarding the new feauture. Until then in order to be eligible to use this storage lot all residents MUST adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Register with the association official, by email
  2. Provide the following information:
    • Name
    • Physical Oakwoods Address
    • E-Mail Address
    • Item Description
    • Sticker
    • Expiration Date
    • VIN#
    • Plate#
  3. Inform the association official if your contact information changes.
  4. Be up-to-date on your item's sticker.
  5. Be current on your annual assessment (dues).
  6. Only park in your assigned slot.
  7. Keep your slot free from garbage.
  8. Maintain your slot with weed removal. The association will spray for weeds once or twice a year. In between times, you must maintain your slot by spraying and/or cutting down weeds.
  9. NO BATTERIES, TIRES or any other debris is to be left at any location in the storage lot.
  10. If you no longer require the use of your assigned slot, for instance you move from the subdivision or you sell your item, please contact the secretary to release the slot for someone else's use.
  11. Always return the entrance chain to its original position on the post after leaving.
  12. Violation of any of these guidelines will result in your use of the lot being restricted and your item towed at your expense without prior notice. Consider this your notice.
  13. The use of this lot is governed by our Covenants under Article V, Section 14 which prohibit from parking on personal property the following items: personal trucks larger than 3/4 ton, tractors, commercial trailers, recreational-type vehicles, mobile homes, boats, boat trailers, motor bikes or trail bikes. In addition, extra cars, vans and trucks owned by Oakwoods residents may utilize the storage lot only if space allows. If the lot becomes full and residents need spaces for prohibited items, residents parking non-prohibited items will be asked to remove them on a last-in, first-out basis. Semi tractors and large commercial work trucks are not allowed to use the storage lot.
  14. This storage lot is only for the use of Oakwoods residents.
  15. OHA is not responsible for any damage or vandalism to any item stored on this lot. This is an open, unsecured lot and residents consent to using the lot acknowledge this fact and release OHA from any liability. Residents should carry enough personal insurance to cover any mishaps while using this lot. If all residents will join the OHA Board in following these guidelines and maintaining your slots assigned, this storage lot will remain a desirable and well kept area.

The OHA Board thanks you for your compliance and willing participation.

OHA Board